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iLOQ's keyless locking system is used for the first time in an apartment building in Sweden.

For the first time in Sweden, iLOQ's mobile phone-based locking system is used in apartment buildings.
  • Foto iLOQ's keyless locking system is used for the first time in an apartment building in Sweden.
Property company Lindborg & Söner chose iLOQ's locking system for the new apartment building in Salnecke Park in Örsundsbro outside Uppsala. Since the locking system is completely free of keys, cables and batteries, residents only need to use their smartphone to enter their properties.

For the new apartment building, Lindborg & Söner chose iLOQ's lock system S50 with mobile keys. The locking system was already in use from the start of construction, which reduced costs and increased efficiency and security. iLOQ's locking system also facilitates resource-intensive key administration that would have been required with mechanical locks when moving in and out.

With iLOQ's locking system, users' mobile phones function as keys, which removes the need for additional keys or devices. The locking system utilizes NFC technology in the user's smartphone, which means that the user's mobile phone is used both as a key and as a power source. With the help of this technology, the locking system is completely free of batteries, which reduces the environmental impact and removes the need for battery replacement. The administrator can block and update keys in real-time. This means that, unlike traditional mechanical keys, keys cannot be lost, stolen, or fall into the wrong hands.

"We chose iLOQ because we saw several advantages with their digital locking system. It can be included already in the construction phase, the installation was quick and smooth and when the homes were ready for occupancy, we could easily reprogram the locks for the residents. All keys are sent directly to the users' mobile phones, so we avoid costly measures for lock changes", says Anton Lindborg, CEO of Lindborg & Söner.

The real estate company Lindborg & Sönder was founded in 1972 and it’s a family business based in Örsundsbro. The company builds customized properties for its customers, everything from homes, riding stables to warehouses, industries, sports halls and schools.

"We at iLOQ are happy that Lindborg & Söner chose our locking system both during the construction process and now for the residents of the properties. We see that this simplifies all forms of key management and are convinced that mobile keys are the future with all their benefits for both residents and managers of apartment buildings", says Juha Suontausta, Key Account Manager at iLOQ.
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