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Gerhard Edi, Managing Director and Chief Strategy Officer, will leave the Management Board of the congatec group with immediate effect.

We would like to inform you that Mr. Gerhard Edi, Managing Director and Chief Strategy Officer, is leaving the Management Board of the congatec group with immediate effect.
  • Foto Gerhard Edi, Managing Director and Chief Strategy Officer, will leave the Management Board of the congatec group with immediate effect.
Deggendorf, Germany, 3 February, 2023 * * * Mr. Edi is leaving the Management Board for personal reasons on the best of terms with the Shareholders, Advisory Board and Management Board. He will remain closely associated with the company, supporting the Management Board in strategic tasks and remaining as Shareholder of the congatec group.

As one of the founders of congatec, Mr. Edi has played a decisive role in shaping the company from the very beginning. His significant influence on the definition and development of the Computer-on-Module business and its standardization was a determining factor for congatec’s success and the company assuming its leading position in the global COM market.

The Shareholders, Advisory Board and Management Board deeply regret Mr. Edi’s departure from the Management Board of the congatec group and wish him all the best for the future, also on behalf of the entire congatec staff.
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