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PEI Connects podcast explores future of EV e-mobility market.
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Episode two looks at the role of connectors in e-scooters, e-bikes, e-buses, e-boats, e-planes and more.

Connector manufacturer PEI-Genesis has released the second episode of PEI Connects, its podcast focused on raising awareness of electrical connectors in industry. The latest episode explores the diverse landscape of the EV e-mobility market, along with the unique connector challenges this brings. This includes everything from lightweight materials, safety considerations and the diverse needs of customers designing EVs for land, sea and air.   
In this latest episode, host Zafar Jamati speaks to Hans Wegendal, regional sales manager Scandinavia at PEI-Genesis. Hans discusses how the transportation sector is seeking greener alternatives to combat carbon emissions, and how this has resulted in the global push towards EVs expanding beyond conventional cars.   
The discussion builds on the first episode, where Jonathan Parry, Senior Vice President and MD Europe at PEI-Genesis, explored a watershed moment in the EV industry ¾ the announcement of VW’s affordable ID2All. In this episode, Hans dives deeper into what this means for e-mobility in the coming years.    
“We’re witnessing rapid growth in this burgeoning EV e-mobility market,” said Wegendal. “Over the last few years, the EV market has expanded beyond cars and trucks, and we’re seeing everything from scooters, boats, bikes, surfboards, buses and even planes being electrified. While this is a very exciting development, it also poses some unique challenges for electrical connectors that are used in these vehicles.   
“We’re helping many of our EV customers overcome their connector challenges, across design engineering, materials science and regulatory compliance. This includes the need for lightweight components in aircraft to considerations of ingress, high power, and signals in a diverse range of new EV formats.”   
“This episode with Hans commences by addressing the pressing question of the future of transportation, acknowledging the transport sector as the world's second-largest contributor to carbon emissions,” said host Jamati. “With the International Energy Agency reporting nearly eight gigatons of CO2 from the transport sector in 2022, the episode sets the stage for understanding the pivotal role of EVs in combatting climate change – and the crucial role that connectors have to play.”   
PEI-Genesis is positioned as a global company with the capability to address the diverse needs of customers in the e-mobility market. With a focus on high-quality connectors and cable solutions, PEI-Genesis offers a range of options, from small connectors for personal vehicles to high-power, high-current connectors for larger EVs used for public transport.   
Future episodes of the PEI Connects Podcast will cover a range of topics, including technical innovations in the connector market, the use of industrial AI in warehouse automation, and navigating global supply chain issues.   
The second episode of the PEI Connects Podcast is available now to stream on all major podcast platforms, including Amazon, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.   
• About PEI-Genesis: PEI-Genesis is one of the world’s fastest assemblers of precision connectors and cable assemblies. From the largest connector component inventory in the world, they develop engineered solutions that support the military, industrial, medical, aerospace, transportation, and energy sectors worldwide. Headquartered in Philadelphia, PA, PEI-Genesis has production facilities in South Bend, IN; Chandler, AZ; Southampton, UK; and Zhuhai, China as well as sales offices throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia. More information may be found at www.peigenesis.com.
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