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Ivar Vatne appointed CEO of Billerud.
The Board of Billerud has appointed Ivar Vatne to be the President and CEO of Billerud. Ivar Vatne has been acting President and CEO since July 2023 and enters the permanent position with immediate effect.

“The Board has conducted a thorough recruitment process and has evaluated both internal and external candidates. We are very pleased that Ivar is willing to take on the job and it shows real strength that we find the best candidate within the company. Ivar is a highly appreciated leader, and he has deep knowledge about the company’s strategic direction. He has also proved that he understands the importance of continuous improvements to secure competitiveness, and has the ability to drive them”, says Jan Svensson, Chairman of Billerud.   
Ivar Vatne started as CFO in Billerud in May 2019. He was appointed Deputy CEO in October 2022. Since July 2023, he has been the acting President and CEO of Billerud. Ivar has a background from senior positions within Arla, Fiskars and P&G.   
“I’m both happy and proud that the Board gives me the confidence to continue in the role as President and CEO. Billerud is a company with great potential and fantastic employees. I look forward to continuing the work of releasing that potential”, says Ivar Vatne, President and CEO of Billerud.
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